Friday, December 11, 2009

On the Eleventh Day of Christ*&^%$

On the Eleventh of Day of Christ*&^%$, Tiz reveals to you...

I haven’t quite figured out how blogger works on my mac. It sure is different. Thanks for sticking with me through these nasty looking posts.

I have so many moles on my back that it looks like a constellation. I’m also pretty sure that if we connected the dots it would spell out something truly funky.

I don’t sleep well as a rule but doing the Twelve Days of Christ*&^%$ has helped all that. Sleeping. Baby. Me.

I often Often OFTEN had trouble sleeping as a kid. My dad would spoon me until I fell asleep.

I crayon when I am cranky.

My first New York boyfriend told me that I was bad at the sex. I hear his voice in my head far more often than I want to.

I hate country music. It is the Third Horseman of the Apocalypse.

I drive to hard rock.

I did not have a Christmas tree for ten years straight. My last landlord had died because of a Christmas tree incident (not watering…turning on the lights…fricassee…blah blah blah) so it turned me off to it for a while. But…IT’S BACK!

I sure can carry a grudge. It’s genetic. I’m working on it.

I have only purchased two new pieces of furniture…ever.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed these alot MizTiz, I think I will do this on my blog too, starting tomorrow.

    Merry merry



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