Wednesday, December 30, 2009

On the 30th Day of Christ*&^%$

The 30 things TiZ will not miss from 2009 (and will not repeat)...

Awful career luck.

My worst work year ever—50% of my former worst work year ever. Me hate recession.

Breaking up and knowing it was hurting me way more than the breaking up-ee.

Self-involvement masquerading as empathy.

Losing the beautiful rope necklace Nanapop gave me.

Attending a three-hour dance audition with one fifteen minute break (there’s gotta be a rule against that).

Blowing out my knee again.

Celebrex—makes me drunk-dial, drunk-text and have anxiety attacks.

The ungracious ones.

Lack of appreciation from others.

Lack of appreciation for others.

Cutting my bangs waaaay too short.

Four cold sores in the month of January alone. (The only good part of this was showing up to an audition and FIVE of us having them. It was like someone had slipped us all Ex and thrown us in a room together the night before. Pretty.)

Judgment from the dude at CVS over medication I desperately needed. Dude from CVS…I spit in your eye.

Having my period for three weeks straight. (I’ve worked this out. Don’t worry.)

People who think they are all alone and no one has it worse than they do when in fact the world is at their finger-tips and they are pretty darn well off.

Thinking I’m all alone and I have it worse than everyone else when in fact the world is at my finger-tips and I am pretty darn well off.

Performing outdoors in triple digit weather wearing two layers of wool plus some fur. “Cotton,” say I.


Peeps who say, “You have too much time on your hands.”

People writing racial slurs on my Facebook wall.

Clutter. So much clutter.

Terry's departure from our world.

The word “should.”

The phrase “may I suggest.”

Wasteful spending.

52 pages of prep for ONE AUDITION.

Online research. It saved my bankbook but skewered my soul.

Lying. I hate it, hated it, and never wish to indulge or be indulged again.


  1. May I add to the list comments beginning with "I just have to tell you as your friend ..." from people who then inevitably make it clear from their comment that they are NOT your friend.

  2. May I suggest you should do a happy dance?

    There. You've erned the happy dance medal!

    It's now yours to wear proudly everywhere you go. When people enviously stare at it and ask you what it is, just give them a sly smile and happy dance away from them. (You can also hum the Nah-nah-NA-nah-nah tune as you do so.)

  3. I don't like complaining and self pity, especially my own. It doesn't leave room for gratitude.

    At the funeral today, the elder said, "You don't measure your life by the number of breaths you take, but by the breath taking moments!

    Happy New Year! Here's to a series of breath taking moments!


  4. Also would like to bid adieu (if only!) to:

    -women who act better than other women because their husbands have been successful in bidniss or some such thing, while said women are not fit to so much as serve me a TaB.
    -Women who teach their daughters to be cliquey and horrible by example.

    -Women who teach their children the value of confirmity, early and often.

    -People who look down on people who are not employed and refuse to hire them because they have a gap in their resume. Have ya HEARD of the recession, people???

    - Money as the so called measure of success

    -Teachers who degrade kids (labragirl now takes "We Don't Need No Education" as her anthem -- so sad in a 12 year old...)

    On the other hand, welcoming an era in which I look at said toxic people (see above)and think "yes, but at the end of my life I won't have been them" and gain true satisfaction from that thought.

    Oh, and of course welcoming in a spirochete-free 2010. Then I won't have to change my name to "spiromom" heh.

  5. you go, labramom.

    tomorrow is the welcoming day. i'm coming up with 31...supposedly. AAAAAAAH!

  6. ah, anonymous beth--it's not complaining. it's stuff that i say "no" to. unless i state it's unacceptable, i might as well tell the world i'm welcoming it with open arms...which i do not. i didn't learn to say "no" for forever. it's a grand and powerful word, methinks. and clearing the decks leaves room for GREAT SHIT and MORE YES.

    and yes yes yes to breath-taking moments.

  7. You don't complain. My work environment is full of whining and complaining and can be toxic if I allow myself to get drawn in.

    I never said no either. Now it's a great word and it helps me keep toxicity away...


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