Wednesday, December 19, 2012

On the Nineteenth Day of Christ*&^%$

On the Nineteenth Day of Christ*&^%$, TiZ reveals to you...

The Christmas Tree is dressed.

I have had my own tree maybe six times in my own home.

I have beautiful ornaments.

I do not have the heart to cut down trees (plus Bax might pee on it), so I have a fakey.

A creature was was a mouse.

I ran after it with a cast iron skillet.

I spend Tuesday evenings listening to online dharma talks with David Nichtern.

Nothing says Christmas like beautiful gluten-free scones from Robert's Random Writings. Thank you!!!

I don't think phone conversations should last more than ten minutes.

I own a ukelin.

I just found a YouTube video that explains how to play it and tune it and I'm gonna.

I've given away more books than many people have owned.

I think books are for sharing.

I do not have much but I have treasures and I love it when people ask to see them, DKA.

I bought a pair of thigh high books two years ago exclaiming, "I may be too old for these, but I want a pair before I die."

Boots I have too much of.

I'm not house proud, I'm a house moron. 

I'm working at it.

I find an unmade bed at this age tragic.

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