Monday, September 26, 2011

FB Hiatus Day 14

I still miss the quirky, intelligent, honest updates of the personable princess palace, even though she surreptitiously sends them to me. It's such a dirty little fix.

EdBook reminded me that I miss birthdays. I miss HAPPY HAPPIES!

I miss the poetry of JPS, King of FaceBook.

I miss beautiful photographs taken by beautiful people.

I miss the rants of many.

But it sounds like it's a jungle out there.

If you want to see something of great beauty, watch Bill Cunningham New York. It broke my heart into wee soft pieces in all the best ways.


  1. Fantastic movie! Extraordinary man!!

    Try twitter for some fun. Takes creative discipline to create a good tweet. You might adore @unvirtousabbey. Real monks, with attitude.

    It's not FB.

  2. thank you, anonymous. @unvirtuousabbey = priceless.

    and i may have to become fanatical about bill cunningham. he's so...him.


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