Sunday, May 16, 2010


Subject: Re: log-on, log-off linguistic loatheries



Date: 02:09 PM 2/17/99

My allowably allegorical alliterator,

Irritating i.q. indicators and serious stuff (supposedly): Years and years ago, many of my friends were surprised when I decided to marry Della because she wasn’t particularly intellectual. At the time, I explained (and felt) that I had all of the intellectual stimulation that I needed through my work; my choice of a spouse reflected a desire to find complementary personality traits, rather than overlapping ones. The theory was that Della kept me grounded and stopped me from floating off to some ethereal plane. As I’ve embarked on this new life of mine, I’ve realized how much I’ve missed by not spending the last dozen years with a like-minded person. It’s not just the mental stimulation—it’s also the feeling that someone appreciates the things that make me me (as opposed to me.e.). I think that’s part of why I’m enjoying this so much. I like being attracted to someone who keeps (and pushes) the pace. It’s an unfamiliar sensation.

OOB ooo: That’s hilarious—when I wrote the xxx, I thought about ooo and the story of your brother immediately came to mind, but I was much too polite to mention it.

My Monica’s melancholy muddle: Did I mention that I have to spend Wednesday and Thursday in court with my step-daughter? Wednesday is for driving with a suspended driver’s license (resulting from not paying parking tickets). Thursday is for trying to walk out of Neiman Marcus with a $111.11 skirt tucked in her coat pocket (yes, a very skimpy pocket-sized $111.11 skirt). I’ve told her that this is her only “get-out-of-jail-free” card. Ah, the joys of parenthood.



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