Saturday, June 27, 2009

Grandma Hennacy's Words o' Wisdom

I wish they worked their magic on me. I wish I were that girl. I truly do. La vida would not be so loca. But I love hard, I love true, I love singly and I love emotionally. I never realized, until my ex-therapist informed me oh-so-recently, that love was so subjective. I always knew WHO you loved was subjective, but not HOW you loved. I thought everyone loved like I do.

Rude awakening in my advancing years.

Call me naive.

This is gonna take some time.

I had a similar awakening when I learned, while working for Disney, that TRUTH was subjective.

Oh Mickey, say it ain't so!

That took some time.

I adore the people who really cheered me (that's the truth) and my best first date evah! I regret misling (oh...that's a story in and of itself) you. But it was worth the following missive from a bright light in my constellation of friends.

"Well, I wrote you a long response the other day and then my computer decided to reboot and I lost it all. As I recall, it went something like this: Do not melt out there in St. Louis.

As for men, you are barking up (bitch that you are;-)) the wrong tree because a) men are all jerks, including yours very seemingly nicely; b) aside from interior decorating or hairdressing, the field you have chosen presents perhaps the slimmest pickings of any vocation -- what few straight men exist are self-centered, neurotic narcissists; and c) add to that the age issue (despite your delightful carding the other night) and you are picking over a slag heap of damaged goods: sociopaths, losers and marital rejects. Lesbianism is a much better, if not literally more fruitful, choice. Natheless, I shall keep my eyes and ears open.

Hope to see you--and your new girlfriend-- around the Rialto"

Dawg, there we are. Tres different words o' wisdom. And if being gay were a choice, believe you me, la vida would definitely have been meno loca.

And in case you missed it, the pixie-faced pinhead WAS CARDED THE OTHER NIGHT.

Oh yeah.

Let the healing begin...'cause this is gonna take some time.

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