Thursday, June 23, 2011

Call Me Naive

Same Sex Marriage brainer, right?

Seemingly not. But I can't figure out who Who WHO feels they have the right to deny this rite.

Why deny love? Is there so much of it floating about that we have to tamp it down when it ignites in a way that might seem unfamiliar?

I don't think there's a surplus of love. Do you?

I'm not sure what I'm writing. I'm wicked tired. Yes. I wrote wicked.

I guess they're wicked tired up in Albany too, because they've called it quits for the night.

Sleep well, people, and make it a right.


  1. By my accounting, this nonsense is VERY high on the list of "Don't you people have something BETTER to worry about?" it's a major miracle, and a gift from On High, to find someone who can put up with you. Marriage is as much about washing other people's underwear, not yelling when your special place in the house has THEIR stuff all over it (instead of YOUR stuff, which after all is what it exists for and is therefore reserved for), holding their hand when they're getting bad news from the doctor, getting a painful treatment, or dying. What their gender is, is NOBODY'S concern. Get a life.

  2. yes, death. YES!

    and new york did the right thing. i am QUITE proud of my state and relieved i no longer have to phonebank for this. 'cause that was trippy.



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